Can Clogs Be Cool?

'Can Clogs Be Cool?' goes the title of a current mini story on, and as son as I saw said title I wanted to scream 'YES!' at the screen.  After spying Mary Kate Olsen wearing more than a few pairs of heeled clogs I imediately started rummaging in the bottom of my sister's wardrobe, desperate to pull out some long forgotten Kickers clogs from the late 90s-sadly, to no avail.  But Urban Outfitters has done me proud (apart from the price) with these burgundy wooden clogs (obviosuly first choice is the Vera Wang Lavender Clogs, bottom picture, but lets be realistic), only I'm damning the english weather might as somehow I don't think they'd quite cut it with wooly tights.  But I do weally weally want some...something else to put on my huge 'I will buy one day' list.


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