Zara People

Those of you familiar with me and my blog will know I kinda like Zara. So much so, I've yet to succeed in a clean, purchase-free visit and a return doubtless turns into an exchange with a few extra bits thrown in for good measure. It's a bit of a problem.

So when Zara approached me for their Zara People campaign a little while ago, it should come as little surprise that I jumped at the chance. Shot by Caroline (my Swedish girl crush) and Daniel of Stockholm Street Style, it was a lot of fun getting to rifle through a rail of of new pieces, most of which I very predictably wanted to take home with me. Totally fell for the boots and the jeans I'm wearing. You can't really make it out from the picture, but the jeans have a black snakeskin effect and are so stretchy and comfortable.

Follow the link below to shop the pieces I'm wearing.


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